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  /    /  Telehealth

Telehealth appointments – online or over the telephone

We are pleased to offer the option of clinical psychology sessions via telephone or telehealth video session, for suitable clients.

Medicare now have extended their rebates for Psychological therapy to include telephone or web based video sessions.

When booking your appointment, please let us know if you would prefer a telephone or online video based session. You do not need any particular software or apps to use the online telehealth service.

For online video based sessions, you will be sent an email link to click to enter your clinician’s “virtual waiting room”. We utilise a secure platform approved and preferred by the Australian government, Medicare and the Australian Psychological Society.

If you have any questions about accessing telehealth or telephone sessions, please let us know.

Privacy and Security during telehealth appointments

The telehealth platform that we use does not store or record any clinical information that is exchanged in a call. All of the video, audio or shared documents in a call are transmitted directly between the participants (peer-to-peer) only and are fully encrypted. Calls cannot be listened into by anyone except for the call participants. If you have further questions about your privacy in relation to online sessions please ask your clinician.

For more information, see our Resources section.

Safe and secure systems

Private and secure telehealth based appointments are available to our clients for Clinical Psychology appointments as and when required. Please discuss your needs with reception at time of booking.

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